Storehouse Food Bank Collection

All donated food and toiletry items packed up and ready for collection by Storehouse! We have had a phenomenal response to our Food Drive this year with over 1000 individual items donated. We also had the added incentive to donate to individual Houses with the House donating the most earning themselves bonus points. After this […]
Charity Easter Egg donation

Our Senior Prefects have been raising funds and awareness for Helping Hand Charity at Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children. Today they delivered a cheque for £256 and 108 Easter eggs to children who will be in the hospital over Easter. Well done and thanks for all the great work you do!
Storehouse Food Bank Collection

All donated food and toiletry items were packed up and ready for collection by Storehouse! We have had a phenomenal response to our Food Drive this year with over 1400 individual items donated. We also had the added incentive to donate to individual Houses with the House donating the most earning themselves bonus points. After […]
Storehouse Foodbank Visit

The Heads of House and senior pupils visited Storehouse Foodbank in Belfast to view the work that they do in providing Dignity, Significance and Hope to those in need. Thank you to Aidan who showed the group around and highlighted the key work of the organisation. The visit was in advance of an Inter House […]
Donation to Cancer Fund for Children

We were delighted to welcome Rebecca to the College to present a cheque to Cancer Fund for Children for £1700. This was result of the collections from the Christingle service and Christmas Jumper Day. Thanks to everyone who donated to the charity. Your support was greatly appreciated.
Students volunteer with Habitat for Humanity

Ten Year 13 pupils were selected to take part in the Changemakers programme with Habitat for Humanity Northern Ireland. This included a day of action in the new ReStore on the Crumlin Road. The pupils enjoyed working with their peers from Hunterhouse and got involved with painting, brushing, scraping and some heavy lifting! Well done […]
CPR Course

Senior pupils attended the first of our CPR training sessions on Thursday 13th October. Students were shown how to carry out CPR using British Heart Foundation manikins designed for this purpose, as well as how to place someone in the recovery position and how to use a defibrillator. These are very important skills to learn […]
Year 10 Sponsored Walk in aid of Cancer Research UK

On Tuesday 5th April all of Year 10 walked from Bangor Marina to Crawfordsburn Country Park to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Despite the inclement weather everyone enjoyed themselves and so far we have raised £2,172. Well done to all involved!
NICHS Charity Donation

Before half-term WCB raised an incredible £1713 through two fundraisers for Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke (NICHS). The first was a Valentines Non-Uniform Day that saw the whole school take part and get dressed in something red! The second fundraiser saw 5 pupils and 1 teacher enter NICHS’ 5km Red Dress Run event at […]
WCB Go The Distance

Thank you to the entire College community for their overwhelming support and generosity regarding our recent whole school charity event called WCB Go The Distance. We raised an outstanding £3230.00 for DreamSchemeNI and we are beyond grateful for all the very kind donations.