6th Form at Wellington College

Sixth form leadership team 2024-25 showing head boy, head girl and their deputies
View our 6th Form Prospectus Online

We would like you to join our Successful Sixth Form!

Next Steps: August 2025 Results and Applying to Wellington College Belfast

As we head into summer exam season and beyond, please ensure that you have registered your interest in joining Wellington College Belfast Sixth Form by completing and submitting the WCB 6th Form Application Form.

Then, on GCSE results day in August 2025, please contact the school (028) 9064 2539 with your full set of GCSE results. That will allow us to begin the application process as soon as possible. Best wishes for your exams and we hope to hear from you in August.

Welcome to the Wellington College Sixth Form experience, which presents each one of our students with challenge and opportunity. Sixth Form at Wellington embraces learning, life and leadership, and our balanced and exciting enrichment offer allows each individual to engage with College life, while working towards excellent outcomes in exams. Our students go on to study at top universities, gain higher apprenticeships with leading companies, and excel in leadership and enterprise opportunities. 

In designing our Sixth Form curriculum we listen to employers, and work closely with universities, to ensure the subject combinations we provide allow access to competitive jobs and higher education pathways. In a fast changing world, we want all students to study subjects they will enjoy, excel at, and which will give them the skills needed to succeed in life beyond school. Our life skills programme supports the personal development of every pupil, and provides a supportive environment in which to study and perform to the best of your ability.

Each year we welcome new pupils, from a range of local schools. At Wellington we find that each individual quickly becomes part of our school family, and through our leadership and community service programmes are able to build their profile and form firm friendships. We are proud that new students often represent the College in sports, music and community events, and have the opportunity to become prefects in recognition of their success.

Wellington College Sixth Form is an excellent environment in which to engage, grow and excel in the final years of your school life. You will be supported to succeed, and develop both as a learner and a leader while preparing for the next steps in life.

Mr David Castles


What Wellington College Belfast can offer sixth form students:

  • Senior Prefect Leadership
  • Strong Teaching & Learning Opportunities
  • Year 14 Talks Programme
  • Charity Work
  • Strong Careers Programme
  • Academic Success
  • Music Opportunities
  • Learning Activities – such as the WCB Bake Off
  • Sixth Form Concert
  • College Production
  • Young Enterprise
  • Wellington +

View our prospectus online for more details

How to Register

  1. Complete the PDF form linked below
  2. Save & return to our email account: sixthform@wellington.belfast.ni.sch.uk