Farewell to Mr Peter Chambers

r Peter Chambers is leaving Wellington College at half-term, to become the Principal of the Rudolf Steiner School in Holywood. Our Principal, Mr Castles, paid this tribute to a very popular and talented colleague: “Peter Chambers is a gentleman, held in high esteem by his colleagues and demonstrating a sweetness of character which we will […]
Year 14 Business Studies and Economics students attend virtual talk

Year 14 Business Studies and Economics students accepted an invite from Royal School, Dungannon to attend a virtual talk by Jonathan Haskel, External Member of the Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England. The talk focused on the role of the Monetary Policy Committee in relation to Financial Stability and Monetary Policy. Thank you to Ms Straghan […]
WCB Barrier Masks Now Available

Wellington College re-useable barrier masks are now available to order for our pupils. The masks retail at £5 each and Parents / pupils should visit the Balon Sportswear website at: https://www.balondirect.co.uk/product-category/wellington-college The web link is active so you can begin ordering your Wellington College Belfast masks immediately and they will be available in October 2020.
Senior Prefects 2020-21

Congratulations on the appointment of our Senior Prefects for 2020/21: Head Boy: Andrew MilliganHead Girl: Rebecca Redmond Deputy Head Boys: Adam Blanchflower & Harvey DonnellyDeputy Head Girls: Erin Guinn & Holly Smyth Heads of Lewis House: Tom Stanfield & Katie DonnellyHeads of Heaney House: Harry Garrett & Megan ThompsonHeads of Ferguson House: Drew Irwin & Alex GarrettHeads of Peters House: Cameron Smiley & […]
Welcome to our new Year 8s!

Welcome to our new Year 8s as they begin their Wellington Journey #WCB #WeLearnTogether
WCB Head Girl off to Canada for University study

Wellington College Belfast is delighted to announce that our Head Girl, Molly has received – and accepted – an offer from the University of Toronto. The offer comes alongside the ‘Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship program’ which provides very generous academic and financial support for Molly for the full duration of her degree. This is […]
Norwegian School Visit to Wellington College

On Tuesday 10th March 2020, Wellington College Belfast hosted 17 pupils and 2 staff from Kongsbakken Upper Secondary School in Norway. The Norwegian pupils were able to observe Politics and Sociology classes and heard a talk about life in Belfast. It proved an excellent and informative exchange.
Danish School Visit to Wellington College

On Monday 9th March 2020, Wellington College Belfast hosted 26 pupils and 2 staff – Catherine Berg and Bodil Fogh – from Frederikssund Gymnasium in Denmark. The Danish pupils were able to observe Politics and Sociology classes and then they presented a talk about life as a teenager in Denmark. It was an excellent exchange, […]
Year 14 Charity Donations

Year 14 raised a total of £1200 throughout the month of December through weekly charity contributions, the Sixth Form Christmas Concert and the Christmas Jumper Day. They felt passionate about the two charities they were supporting: Samaritans UK and AGE NI. Their concern was for others who suffer greatly during the Christmas period, hoping that […]
Year 11 Charity Donation

Well done to Year 11 who raised £700.00 for their chosen charity Pretty ‘n’ Pink, a breast cancer charity located in Belfast. Pictured from the charity is Leanne Rooney who spoke to Year 11 about how the money raised by the college community will help the charity.