Year 11 Football Success

Congratulations to two of our year 11 pupils, Zoe and Helen who won the Skem National Cup in Liverpool with their football team, ‘Lisburn Rangers’ at the weekend.
Northern Ireland Super Schools Football Festival

On Wednesday 12th June a group of Year 8 and 9 girls took part in the Northern Ireland Super Schools Football Festival at Belfast City Playing Fields. Despite the rain and wind the girls had an excellent day out winning a number of matches in their heat. Well done to all the girls that took […]
Visit by Rt. Hon John Bercow MP

On Friday 7th June 2019, Wellington College Belfast were delighted to welcome the Right Honourable John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons. After meeting with our Principal and the Board of Governors, Mr Bercow addressed a captive audience on the role and functions of his positon and then took a series of questions […]
WCB represented at Ulster U18 Girls’ Rugby

Well done to Bree who recently represented Ulster U18 girls’ rugby in the Interprovincial ‘sevens’ tournament.
PIPS Charity Training for Year 13

Mr O’Hara was delighted to welcome back Nadia Sayers from PIPS to carry out a 2 hour training session on Mental Health. The group of Year 13s attending the training are now Wellness Champions and will be supporting our junior pupils in the coming months.
Wellington College – Top Controlled Grammar School in Belfast

The Irish News A level results league table places Wellington College 23rd out of the top 30 Grammar schools in Northern Ireland and the top controlled Grammar school in Belfast for A level results. Well done to all pupils, staff and parents for the hard work and effort in this achievement. Grammar School A-Level Exam […]
40 years Service to Wellington College

Today one of our fantastic Science Technicians celebrated 40 years service to Wellington College / Carolan Grammar. Thank you, Lynda, for all your hard work over the years.
Outstanding A Level Results 2018, 83% 3A*-C

We are exceptionally proud of the results achieved by our Year 14 students, with a fantastic 83% of students achieving 3 or more A*-C grades. These students have embraced the mission of the College, to engage, educate and empower. We wish all of our leavers every success in their future studies and activities. 93% of […]
Mrs Tricia Devenny

The College is very sad to report that over half term one of our much loved Classroom Assistants, Mrs Tricia Devenny, passed away following a short illness. She will be missed by all staff and pupils who worked with her, particularly Year 13, who have produced this video tribute to her.
Year 12 Geography Field Trip

On Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September, 70 GCSE geographers travelled north to the Sperrin Mountains where they spent a day in the River Roe collecting data for their controlled assessment task that will make up 25% of their overall grade in June. Visiting 8 sites along the long profile of the River Roe, they […]