English Department Read On Event

From the 14th to the 18th June 2021, the English Department organised a ‘ReadOn’ to support the invaluable work of Cancer Fund for Children. This involved every KS3 student being sponsored to read a novel in English lessons for one week. We are delighted to announce that we raised over £3000 for Northern Ireland’s Cancer […]
AwareNI Charity Donation

Last term Wellington College raised an amazing £1,144.50 over the lockdown for the charity AWARE, which is the depression charity for Northern Ireland, supporting people with their mental well-being and those with bipolar disorder. Thank you so much to all who took part and donated!
Inter House Design a Christmas Jumper

Congratulations to Aimee Elliott (Year 9) who won the Inter House Design a Christmas Jumper competition earning 50 points for Peters House. She is pictured here with Mr McFarland who is modelling her winning design. The competition coincided with Christmas Jumper Day with pupils and staff wearing their Christmas jumpers to school and donating to […]
World Kindness Day – Foodbank Collection

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the College Foodbank Appeal as part of our act of kindness to celebrate World Kindness Day. The amount and range of donations received was incredible as can be seen from these photos. The items were collected for Store House Belfast a local food bank who were very grateful for […]
World Kindness Day – Food bank collection

On Friday 13th November, it is World Kindness Day; a day to celebrate and promote acts of kindness. The aim of World Kindness Day is to create a kinder world by inspiring individuals to carry out small acts of kindness which may positively impact the well being of others. From Friday 6th November until Friday […]
Year 14 Charity Donations

Year 14 raised a total of £1200 throughout the month of December through weekly charity contributions, the Sixth Form Christmas Concert and the Christmas Jumper Day. They felt passionate about the two charities they were supporting: Samaritans UK and AGE NI. Their concern was for others who suffer greatly during the Christmas period, hoping that […]
Year 11 Charity Donation

Well done to Year 11 who raised £700.00 for their chosen charity Pretty ‘n’ Pink, a breast cancer charity located in Belfast. Pictured from the charity is Leanne Rooney who spoke to Year 11 about how the money raised by the college community will help the charity.
PIPS Charity Training for Year 13

Mr O’Hara was delighted to welcome back Nadia Sayers from PIPS to carry out a 2 hour training session on Mental Health. The group of Year 13s attending the training are now Wellness Champions and will be supporting our junior pupils in the coming months.