29 students from year 11 and year 13 completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st June. They hiked for two days through the Mournes, walking over 20km and camping overnight in Tollymore Forest Park. All students and staff had a fantastic time! If you are interested in completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award listen out for announcements from Mrs Clements at the start of next year. Here are some words written by three of our students:
As we started the expedition at Spelga dam we had good fun laughing and joking. As we continued the expedition we fell into the walking mind set. We got to each point early, which enabled us constant rest, this kept us in high moral.
When we got to the campsite, we were relieved to get the weight off our backs and got to work quickly putting our tent up and cooked dinner. We spent the rest of the night relaxing.
We woke up the next morning to rain which drained moral but we pushed on and took down tents and ate breakfast. As we started the expedition we got to the most challenging hill but got up it in the end after some perseverance. As we moved down the mountain we moved quickly and that again boosted moral knowing that we were still making good time as we were coming up on the finish we ran to the end as we felt relief.
Overall I felt that it was a fun experience.
Joshua R – Year 11
The best advice I can give for any DofE group in the future: bring a speaker for music. Moral is your main booster through the entire walk, we were actually walking faster and had lots of times for breaks. Another bit of advice would be to wake up earlier, especially if you’re the 1st group leaving. The hardest bit was waking up having to pack up and take the tents down. Other than that, the teachers checked up with us at a few points and we felt totally safe. Really hope groups in years to come have the same experience.
Rachel D – Year 11
My duke of Edinburgh expedition was a challenge but worth it. Sleeping in a tent on the ground was tough and so was all the walking but there were lots of good bits too. The highlights of the trip were the great sense of achievement from completing it and celebrating my birthday with my friends somewhere new! I would definitely recommend using plenty of suncream and watching your step when you’re walking! A great experience.
Poppy B – Year 11