Parents Teachers Association

Registered Charity number NIC105266

Report for 2018-19

The PTA started the year with a very busy and productive term with the first meeting of the year in September setting out the timetable of events for the rest of the year. The PTA has a very important role in providing additional funds for the College and this year has funded, amongst other things, the library subscriptions for educational supplements.

The first school event for the PTA was the annual Junior Hallowe’en Disco on Thursday 18th October. This event for Years 8-10 is always popular with pupils and was well attended with all pupils (and staff) thoroughly enjoying themselves. Many pupils chose to dress in Fancy Dress with prizes being awarded for the Best Boy, Best Girl and Most Original costumes.

The AGM held on Monday 5th November saw the re-election of the following members to posts:

Alison Moss – Chairperson

Paul Buckley – Treasurer

Angela Straney – Secretary

Mrs Latimer and Miss Digney continue to represent the staff on the PTA.

The next social event was the annual Pub Quiz held in The Errigle Inn on Thursday 22nd November. This was a very entertaining and successful night with an excellent turn out of staff, parents and friends. Quiz master for the night was Mr McFarland who certainly entered into the spirit of the event ably assisted by Miss Digney and Mrs Latimer.

This year instead of our traditional Valentine’s Disco in February we moved this to an end of year disco in June. The PTA would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of staff who assist with the discos – your help and supervision is greatly appreciated.

The final event which the PTA was involved in this year was the Year 8 Induction Evening held in June. At this event the PTA provided refreshments and members were on hand to meet and talk to new parents and to sign up new members.

The PTA is a member of the National Association of Parent Teachers’ Associations and has obtained charitable status with HM Revenue and Customs, both of which bring added benefits to both the PTA and the College.

The PTA is well supported but they are always on the lookout for new members. Anyone who is interested in joining is welcome. Further information can be obtained at

The PTA would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents, staff and prefects who have helped out with the various events throughout the year. In particular they would like to thank the staff who faithfully assist at the discos and our two caretakers –Mr Robert Thompson and Mr Sam Pedlow – who are only too willing to help out at any time.

Mrs Latimer