Year 10 Careers Week ICT Presentation

We were delighted to welcome “Bring IT On” into the College as part of Year 10 Careers Week to offer guidance to all our Year 10 girls about the opportunities within the ICT Sector.
QUB Miniversity Visit

A group of 50 Year 10s visited Queen’s University Belfast to have a Miniversity visit. Starting their day with a unique and exciting listening experience in the Sonic Arts Centre and moving on into a tour of QUBs state of the art Computer Science building and finishing the morning with two other tours of the […]
Open Night Maths Competition Winner

At our Open Nights, the Maths department ran a competition asking participants to give the lowest positive whole number that no one else would think of. Pictured is Mrs Clarke (HOD Maths) presenting the winner Matthew from Strandtown Primary with his calculator. Matthew said 6!
Year 14 Talks Programme 2019-20 – Age NI

On Friday we welcomed Nadine Campbell of Age NI who presented to the Year 14 talks programme. Nadine spoke on the issue of loneliness amongst the elderly population and addressed methods to deal with such concerns. The talk provided a clear insight into an important area of social policy for our pupils.
Lego City Shapers Competition

Samuel, Bradley, Abu-Hurairah, Ben and Finn make up the 2019 First Lego League challenge as “Team Wellington”. Annalisa Misra from Kainos and Mr O’Hare mentored the team as part of this 9-week challenge. We are very grateful to Annalisa and to Kainos for sponsoring and supporting us through this journey all the way to competition. […]
U18 Football team – NI Cup news

Commiserations to the U18 football team who did the College proud in the 4th round of the NI Cup but lost narrowly to De La Salle, Belfast. The match was played with great intensity and at a very high standard, with nothing to choose between the teams. The final score was 2-2 after extra time with […]
Mixed 9 Aside Football Tournament

On Friday 22nd November 12 year 8 and 9 pupils took part in in the IFA’s mixed football tournament at Belfast City Playing fields. The pupils played really well despite the rain with some brilliant goals from Libby and Lucas. Well done to the players of the match Eva (defence) and Corey (goal keeper). Thanks […]
Prize Day 2019

The College celebrated the successes and achievements of our young people at the annual prize distribution which took place in the school on Friday 27th September. Guest of Honour was Rt. Reverend John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher pictured here with Head Boy – Ben, Head Girl – Molly, and Principal Mr David Castles.
Congratulations to our Senior Prefects for 2019-20

Congratulations to: Head Girl Molly Graham and Head Boy Ben Anthony Deputy Head Boys Rory Connolly, Chris Spiers and Matthew Jess Deputy Head Girls Erin Carson, Rebecca Patterson and Jessica Burns Lewis House Captains Cara Leahy and Sean Webb Heaney House Captains Genevieve Metcalfe and Max Jordan Peters House Captains Melissa Crawford and Callum Kyle Ferguson […]
Congratulations GCSE class of 2019 – best ever GCSE results!