Effective ICT & Computing teaching provides pupils with the tools to take control of their learning: they can engage with technology effectively and can work both independently and with others.

Our Main Aims

  1. To provide pupils with ICT & Computing skills which can be utilised holistically across the curriculum and enable them to be more actively engaged in learning.
  2. To provide a stimulating and challenging ICT learning environment which pupils can relate to the world outside the classroom.
  3. To make use of current Information Communication Technologies.
  4. To provide a number of pathways onto further education courses in ICT, Computing, Computer Science and multimedia.
  5. To keep pupils informed about career possibilities, at home in Northern Ireland.  The recent market trends has its biggest ever growth in STEM and IT based subjects. By the time our pupils reach maturity the jobs they may go into may not even exist today. It is our objective to help equip them for the digital world of the information age.

Key Stage 3

It is our philosophy in the Wellington College ICT Department, that we start to build the foundation blocks for GCSE Computer Science theory and coding content into our KS3 curriculum, right from the beginning of year 8 in a fun and challenging manner.  We continue to build on this as learners progress to year 9 & 10. 

We believe that every learner should be equipped with good content knowledge by the time they make their GCSE in choices in year 10.  We expect our best learners to progress to GCSE Digital Technology and GCSE Business & Communication Systems, our GCSE offers. In KS3 we now have 2 discrete lessons weekly in ICT in year 8 and year 9 and 1 lesson per week in year 10.

The following ICT skills are taught in discrete ICT classes in Year’s 8, 9 & 10 so that they may be implemented holistically through all subjects across the KS3 curriculum:

  • Using the Internet search engines and browsers properly
  • How to use e-mail and communicate effectively
  • How to efficiently use operating systems, and Microsoft Office Applications including modelling and charts in Excel and data handling in Access.
  • Making Websites – HTML programming & later Dreamweaver Website Authoring
  • Introduction to computer graphics and image manipulation using Adobe Photoshop or Photopea
  • Sound recording and editing with Audacity
  • Editing your own movies with Movie Maker or similar editing software
  • Building confidence in presenting by employing Microsoft PowerPoint properly
  • Create your own games with Kodu
  • Preparing to code with Scratch and BBC Micro Bits
  • Preparing for Computer Science with Python Programming
  • Using Google Classroom effectively

CCEA GCSE Digital Technology (Programming Route)

This is a two year course which is diverse in the units structure. 

Unit 1 is ICT /CS theory based with a 1-hour exam at the end of year 11 worth 30%.  We will have built a good foundation for this unit in our KS3 curriculum.

Unit 4 is about programming, paradigms, algorithms and pseudocode, it is a 1½-hour exam assessed at the end of year 12 worth 40%. 

Unit 5 is a controlled assessment completed over 36 hours based on a case study brief, provided by CCEA.  The task is planning, design and implementation of a software solution, in Python, for a problem proposed in the case study.  The project is worth 30%.

For this course we strongly recommend that you purchase the “Learning to Program in Python” book by P.M. Heathcote published by PG Online for units 4 & 5


Course Structure

Unit 1:Digital TechnologyExternal written examination 1 hour30%Completed in Year 11
Unit 4:Digital Development ConceptsExternal written examination 1-hour 30mins40%Completed in Year 12
Unit 5:Digital Development PracticeControlled Assessment30%Started in Year 11 completed in Year 12


CCEA GCSE Business & Communication Systems (BCS)

We are excited to introduce the Business & Communication Systems (BCS) GCSE at Wellington College.  Students who study GCSE Business and Communication Systems will follow the CCEA Specification.  Business and Communication Systems is an exciting and practical subject that recognises how ICT is in the foreground of all business activities.  For more information look at https://ccea.org.uk/key-stage-4/gcse/subjects/gcse-business-and-communication-systems-2017

What will I study?

Unit 1 – Software Applications for Business

Software applications play a vital role in business.  They add value by increasing efficiency and they can reduce the amount of time tasks take and improve record keeping.  They can also enhance the ways in which businesses communicate with their stakeholders. 

These include: File management, Common software application tasks, Word processing software, Spreadsheet software, Database software, Presentation software, Web authoring software, Internet searching and Email software.

Assessment: Unit 1 – is a computer-based examination of 2 hour’s duration and will test your ICT skills in a business context.  This examination is worth 40% of the overall GCSE qualification.  This examination takes place in year 11.

Unit 2 – The Business Environment

Students will gain a broad introduction to the business world.  They learn about recruitment, selection, training and marketing as well as the implications of digital technology for business. 

These include: Types of business ownership, Stakeholders, Communication, Digital trading, Recruitment, Selection, Training, Implications of digital technology for business and customers, Marketing, Market Research and the Marketing mix.

Assessment: The written examination for Unit 2 is 1 hour.  This examination paper is worth 35% of the overall GCSE qualification.  This examination takes place in year 12.

Unit 3 – Developing Digital Solutions

Students use the skills they have developed in Units 1 and 2 to plan and develop a digital solution for a business.  This unit is synoptic; it tests students’ understanding of the connections between the different elements of the subject.

This unit is assessed through controlled assessment and is worth 25% of the overall GCSE qualification.

BTEC IT Level 3

Pearson/Edexcel BTEC – Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in IT (QCF)

Who is this course for?

  • Any pupil who is interested in following a career pathway in computer programming, IT, Cyber Security and games design or app design in further education or University.
  • It may also be used as a method of obtaining UCAS points to enter other 3rd level courses.


What do I need to get onto this course?

  • Be enthusiastic to follow a Computer Science focused programme
  • Agree to follow the rules of BTEC, school Policies and meet deadlines
  • Have enough GCSE points to enter Year 13 
  • Ideally a GCSE in ICT Grade B or above
  • If coming from an OCN IT course you should have a Grade B Maths and Grade B English Language
  • Experience of using a range of software 
  • Experience programming
  • Be creative – many of the projects require the pupil to come up with a range of ideas 
  • Have good writing skills: each unit has a substantial written element/report 
  • An interest in the IT industry 
  • Be a good manager of your work time as you will have tight deadlines, continuous assessment for 2 years, as this course is 100% coursework.

This subsidiary diploma qualification is equivalent to one GCE A Levels and is 100% coursework, made up of 6 units.  Please note: Scoring in BTEC is Distinction (A), Merit (C), Pass (E).  Several Distinctions will equate to Distinction* = A*.  See UCAS Tariff Generator below.

Unit No.Unit nameCredit pointsDescription
1Communication andEmployability Skills for IT (Mandatory)10Written unit completed alongside a practical unit
2Computer Systems
10Written unit
14Event Driven Programming*10Written unit completed alongside a practical unit
16Procedural Programming*10Written unit completed alongside a practical unit
6Software Design and Development*10Written unit completed alongside a practical unit
7Organisational Systems Security*10Written unit
Total60    Points
*Units marked are subject to change. 

Many of our students have gone onto study Software Engineering, Computing/IT courses in Queen’s University and Ulster University.  Some have also successfully joined paid apprenticeship schemes with companies like PWC, Deloitte and BT where they learn on the job and their employee puts them through a degree programme.  This has become a very competitive marketplace and is a win-win scenario for most students.

BTEC Tariff Calculator for UCAS can be found here: https://www.ucas.com/ucas/tariff-calculator

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma Grades (Single award equivalent to one A ‘Level)

BTEC GradeBTEC UCAS TariffA’ Level EquivalentA ‘Level UCAS Tariff
Distinction *56 PointsA*56 Points
Distinction48 PointsA48 Points
  B40 Points
Merit32 PointsC32 Points
  D24 Points
Pass16 PointsE16 Points

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