“Problems are the hymn tunes of Mathematics” – G.H. Hardy
In Wellington College, Mathematics is viewed as the essence of problem-solving. Students are taught that Mathematics is more than just numbers and calculations – it is a language, a toolkit and a mindset that will equip them for dealing with problems in all aspects of life. Through this, resilience and perseverance in the face of difficulty are fostered in all Mathematics lessons.
The Mathematics department aims to provide Wellington students with a sound mathematical education, in which high academic standards are emphasised, that enables them to achieve their full potential.
Furthermore, we aspire to prepare students for the outside world so that they can use Mathematics confidently in real life situations, while providing a positive classroom atmosphere that is conducive to effective learning. Within this context, our specific objectives are:
- To provide relevant courses of study subject to, but not bound by, the Northern Ireland Curriculum;
- To foster a love for Mathematics as a subject in its own right;
- To encourage pupils, where appropriate, to extend their studies to ‘A’ Level or Further Mathematics;
- To increase numeracy awareness so that students may use Mathematics in other disciplines;
- To use ICT, where appropriate, to enrich pupils’ learning experiences;
- To monitor progress by regular assessment;
- To encourage good classroom practice in teaching methods and to exercise positive discipline in the classroom;
- To encourage staff to keep abreast of current developments and to participate in In-Service Training (INSET).
Courses Offered
All students are prepared for Key Stage 3 and higher tier GCSE Mathematics. They also have the option of studying:
- GCSE Further Mathematics;
- GCE ‘A’ Level Mathematics;
- GCE ‘A’ Level Further Mathematics.
Facilities and Resources
The department has 5 dedicated Mathematics classrooms and also access to the school’s extensive ICT facilities and interactive whiteboards.
A wide range of textbooks are available to support Mathematics courses at all levels. In addition, the department has a large range of specialist ICT resources to support the delivery of its courses.
Pupils have the opportunity to participate in national Mathematics competitions, e.g., we enter pupils for the UK Mathematical Challenges at junior, intermediate and senior levels.
Curriculum Information:
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 3
In Years 8 to 10 all pupils follow courses that conform to, but are not bound by, the Northern Ireland curriculum for Key Stage 3 Mathematics. The topics studied in each year of Key Stage 3 are detailed below
Year 8
- Place Value
- Arithmetic with Decimals
- Data Collection and Presentation
- Angles
- Number Patterns and Sequences
- Perimeter, Area and Volume
- Fractions
- Time and Timetables
- Negative Numbers
- Algebra and Linear Equations
- Decimals, Fractions and Percentages
- Averages and Range
- Scale Drawing
- Probability
Year 9
- Mathematical Diagrams
- Factors and Multiples
- Pythagoras’ Theorem
- Rounding and Estimating
- Data Analysis
- Nets and Surface Area
- Ratio and Proportion
- Use of Brackets in Algebra
- Fractions and Percentages
- Probability
- Angles, Bearings and Maps
- Formulae
- Straight Line Graphs
- Polygons
- Circles and Cylinders
- Units of Measure
- Speed, Distance and Time
- Questionnaires and Analysis
Year 10
Pupils in Year 10 commence studying content directly on the GCSE course. This provides an excellent opportunity for pupils to get familiar with the GCSE Mathematics Curriculum and stretches pupils to achieve to the very best of their ability. The topics covered in Year 10 include:
- Number and Algebra
- Arithmetical Operations
- Indices
- Fractions and Percentages
- Algebraic manipulation
- Inequalities
- Limits of accuracy
- Statistics and Probability
- Statistical diagrams and calculations
- Averages
- Correlation
- Geometry and Measures
- Linear Graphs and equations
- Area Perimeter and Volume
- Geometric Transformation
- Trigonometry
Key Stage 4
Examining Board – CCEA
This is a compulsory course leading to the GCSE Mathematics examination. The emphasis is not only on developing the pupils’ skills and techniques but also their understanding of mathematical processes.
The areas of Mathematics studied are:
- Number
- Algebra
- Geometry and Measures
- Handling Data
The course is assessed by written examination papers and there is no controlled assessment requirement.
Further Mathematics
Examining Board – CCEA
GCSE Further Mathematics extends the content of GCSE Mathematics and the course is divided into 3 sections:
- Pure Mathematics (Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus) – 50%
- Mechanics – 25%
- Statistics – 25%
GCSE Further Mathematics is particularly useful to those intending to study Mathematics or Physics at Advanced Level.
The course is assessed by three examinations. The Pure module (mandatory) which lasts 2 hours, and Mechanics and Statistics, which last 1 hour each. There is no controlled assessment requirement.
A Level
Examining Board – CCEA
In following a course in Mathematics at GCE Advanced Level, students have opportunities to:
- Consolidate and extend the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding developed in Key Stage 4
- Build a suitable foundation for the study of Mathematics and other subjects in further and higher education
- Prepare themselves for a range of interesting careers.
The course is equally suited to students concentrating on Sciences or those wishing to bridge the Science/Humanities divide.
At AS Level, the following modules are studied:
AS 1: Pure Mathematics (24% of A2) Assessed by a 1 hr 45 minute examination
AS 2: Applied Mathematics – 50% Mechanics, 50% Statistics (16% of A2) Assessed by a 1hr 15 minute examination
At A2 Level, the following modules are studied:
A2 1: Pure Mathematics (36% of A2) Assessed by a 2 hr 30 minute examination
A2 2: Applied Mathematics – 50% Mechanics, 50% Statistics (24% of A2) Assessed by a 1 hr 30 minute examination
There is no coursework.
Further Mathematics
Further Mathematics
Examining Board – CCEA
Further Mathematics extends the content of ‘A’ level Mathematics and helps to promote the development of students as more independent learners with enhanced skills of reasoning and analysis.
It is particularly useful to those intending to study Mathematics, Engineering or any of the physical sciences at tertiary level.
At AS Level the following modules are studied:
Unit AS 1: Pure Mathematics
Unit AS 2: Applied Mathematics
Both modules are assessed by 1 ½ hour examinations which are equally weighted at AS level and will contribute 20% each to the final A2 grade.
At A2 Level the following modules are studied:
Unit A2 1: Pure Mathematics
Unit A2 2: Applied Mathematics
Both modules are assessed by a 2 hr 15 minute examination and there is no coursework.
Studying Maths helps you develop skills in logical thinking and statistical or strategic knowledge, which are valued by employers across many job sectors. Towards the end of Key Stage 3 pupils choose whether or not to study GCSE Further Mathematics, towards the end of Key Stage 4 ‘AS’ Level Mathematics / Further Mathematics, and at the beginning of Year 14, which career and/or subjects they wish to pursue at tertiary level. As pupils and their parents make these important choices, it is important they have all the information they need to enable them to make sensible decisions. The school provides such information but classroom teachers and the HOD try to ensure that pupils fully understand the implications of these decisions for their future careers. Also all pupils in Years 8 to 12 need to understand the necessity of having a GCSE Mathematics qualification. We also aim to have classroom displays that inform pupils about careers that use Mathematics at different levels.
Job options
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
- Actuary
- Operational researcher
- Research scientist (Maths)
- Secondary school teacher
- Statistician
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
- Aerospace engineer
- Chartered accountant
- Corporate investment banker
- Insurance underwriter
- Investment analyst
- Meteorologist
- Quantity surveyor
- Software tester
Towards the end of Key Stage 3 pupils choose whether or not to study GCSE Further Mathematics, towards the end of Key Stage 4 ‘AS’ Level Mathematics / Further Mathematics, and at the beginning of Year 14, which career and/or subjects they wish to pursue at tertiary level. As pupils and their parents make these important choices, it is important they have all the information they need to enable them to make sensible decisions. The school provides such information but classroom teachers and the HOD try to ensure that pupils fully understand the implications of these decisions for their future careers. Also all pupils in Years 8 to 12 need to understand the necessity of having a GCSE Mathematics qualification. We also aim to have classroom displays that inform pupils about careers that use Mathematics at different levels.